Sunday, January 17, 2016

Emotional Architect

My friend Kristen inspired this...

Let's be consistently excavating, digging deep for insight. Expose the levels and multiple layers. Reveal your psyche, show us the genuine article of who you are.

It is a long process, a life's work. 

We shape who we become by the forces we engage with in our years. They influence, inspire, destroy, uplift, and knock us down; we willingly let them color in our design.

Be ready for the day, should it come, when you realize the facade you've built is not what you are comfortable with. Be prepared to remove rot, change the colors to bright, open the walls up so you can breathe... finally. To one day be the you, the creation of your own design.

That day you will have built who you have always wanted to be. You'll know because living in your skin will come naturally, and be comfortable. Your exterior won't be brittle anymore, it will be strong. 

Because no one, and I really mean no one, will be allowed to decide who you are anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, very thoughtful, I like it a lot.
